Domain Renewal Group scam
It seems that once again, the Domain Renewal Group scam is doing the rounds. These people send you a letter (not an email) a few months before your domain name is due for renewal. They want you to change to them – at a cost. One of my clients fell for this a few years ago, paid the money and – nothing happened. He still had to pay the legitimate registration handlers otherwise he would have lost the domain.
So – if you get a letter that looks like this just stick it in the bin
There’s loads more information on Google about this if you really want to look at it more


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Domain Renewal Group scam
It seems that once again, the Domain Renewal Group scam is doing the rounds. These people send you a letter (not an email) a few months before your domain name is due for renewal. They want you to change to them - at a cost
Trevor Wood
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Network Midlands Ltd
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