Fake Microsoft Calls
There’s a scam going round at the moment. It’s been going round for a few months, but it seems to have suddenly resurfaced.
People are being called by someone claiming to be from Microsoft support. The say that your computer has reported errors and they they are here to help. HANG UP IMMEDIATELY! If you continue the call and follow their instructions, you will be asked to check various log files and then install some software which will allow them to gain access to your computer. There are a number of stories around about this including this one from the Guardian back in July.
For more information Google fake Microsoft calls
If you are concerned about this or any other security issues, please contact us.

Article Name
Fake Microsoft Calls
People are being called by someone claiming to be from Microsoft support. The say that your computer has reported errors and they they are here to help. HANG UP IMMEDIATELY! If you continue the call and follow their instructions, you will be asked to check various log files and then install some software which will allow them to gain access to your computer.
Trevor Wood
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Network Midlands ltd
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